Get ahead in math:
work with an experienced pre-algebra tutor online
Did you know more than half of high school seniors can't add fractions? Pre-algebra is the key to all future math classes. The best investment you can make for your child's future math career is mastery of pre-algebra.
Find experienced private pre-algebra tutors
As empathetic educators,
We believe that math and algebra shouldn't be something you're forced to endure. We want to change the math and algebra narrative and convert those negatives into positives.
As Math & Algebra Enthusiasts,
Pre-Algebra is the key to learning how to solve problems. The more our students know about math, the greater the opportunity for them to succeed in all aspects of real-life problem-solving.
As Critical thinkers with years of experience,
Algebra is the language of the universe. If you want to understand what's happening in our world, we can help you learn this language in a whole new way. Let us build your child's confidence by exploring the language of our universe.
"I am telling you: If *my* rising 8th grader can do well in math after working with an Alexander Math tutor, anyone will. She worked with Gerald all summer, which she was less than delighted to hear when we told her about it, but she quickly stopped complaining after they started their work together. Last night she told us that she'd like to KEEP working with him once school starts so she doesn't fall behind. What? Thank you Gerald and Sean for giving her the confidence to go back to school this week feeling confident."
- Samantha M., Parent
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