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August 9, 2023

Why Time Management Is Important For Students

By Sean Alexander

Between school, extracurricular activities, and friends, it’s easy for students to feel overwhelmed. Students today face more distractions than ever. Effective time management skills are critical for learners who hope to deal with these distractions and manage all of their commitments. This guide will cover the benefits of time management for students.


7 Reasons Why Time Management Is Important for Students

Learning to plan ahead and prioritize tasks can help students reach their full potential. By setting clear, measurable, and achievable goals, your child can be successful in school and still have plenty of personal time for extracurricular activities and friends. Read on to learn why time management is important for students and how you can help your child develop effective strategies.

Helps Create a Proper Study Plan To Achieve Important Goals

As your child gets older, they’ll need to juggle more assignments and responsibilities. Creating a clear study plan and master schedule will help them achieve their academic goals, whether it’s making the president’s list or acing the SAT. Here are some time management tips for students who need to establish a study plan:

  • Identify the goal, which could be improving their grades in math or preparing for a final.
  • Break down the goal into smaller, manageable chunks, particularly if it’s a longer-term goal, such as making an A in a tough course.
  • Prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance using a tool such as the Eisenhower Matrix.
  • Allocate specific time slots to each task based, taking into consideration other commitments.
  • Make sure your child’s study plan includes plenty of time for breaks and sleep.
  • Regularly review and adjust the study plan and make necessary adjustments based on actual progress and schedule changes.

Improves Productivity Levels

Good time management can help your child get more high-quality work done in less time. You’ve probably experienced sending your child off to do homework and checking in several hours later to find a blank homework page. Here are some ways you can help your child be more productive with a project plan:

  • Minimizing distractions. Set up a quiet, dedicated study space and have your child leave their phone in another room while studying.
  • Schedule breaks and recreation. Taking regular breaks can help increase focus. But don’t let your child mindlessly scroll during their breaks. They’ll get more benefits by going for a walk or having a snack.
  • Batching similar tasks. Grouping similar tasks together can increase productivity by reducing the mental load of switching tasks and allowing your child to enter a 'flow' state during these chunks of time. Though your child may claim they can do several things simultaneously, multitasking harms productivity.

Reduces Stress Levels and Anxiety

Cases of student anxiety have increased by 50% in the last eight years. Waiting until the last minute to work on a big project or find equipment for a game is natural, especially for kids with ADHD, but the feeling of being chronically behind contributes to anxiety. How does managing time make studying less stressful? Time management strategies for students can help them avoid getting stressed and overwhelmed in the following ways:

  • Planning ahead. By organizing tasks and setting a clear timeline, students can spread out their work evenly instead of cramming at the last minute. Finishing their work early will help them relax and remember more of what they learn.
  • Avoiding procrastination. Procrastination can lead to stress as work piles up and deadlines get closer. A key component of time management is learning to overcome procrastination and complete tasks on time, which reduces stress levels.
  • Building in buffer time. Unexpected things happen – a task might take longer than anticipated, or something urgent might come up. By building ample time into their schedule, your child can accommodate these situations without them leading to stress and anxiety.
  • Enhancing sleep quality. Poor time management can often lead to late nights and reduced sleep. Proper scheduling ensures students have a studying time limit, providing enough time for a good night's sleep.

Develops Self-Discipline and Successful Decision-Making

All parents revel in their children’s gifts and abilities, from intelligence to athleticism to creativity. As thrilling as it can be for your child to score the winning hit or get into the gifted program, none of those traits significantly correlate with success. Self-discipline and persistence do, however.

The infamous marshmallow experiment showed that showed a strong relationship between a child’s ability to delay satisfaction and later success seemed to indicate that self-discipline may be an innate quality. Fortunately, research shows that self-discipline and good-decision making skills can be learned. Managing their time well will help your child grow their self-discipline muscles in all areas of their life.

Creates a Sense of Accomplishment and Pride

By setting, working towards, and ultimately achieving their goals, your child will develop a feeling of accomplishment that boosts their self-esteem. Building a positive planning habit will let your child routinely anxiety, motivating them to continue.

Enhances the Learning Experience

When your child has time set aside to study and has a plan in place, they can use effective study methods for long-term learning rather than frantically trying to finish an assignment that’s due tomorrow. Time management skills for students help them achieve:

  • Focused study time to delve deeper into their learning materials, improving comprehension and retention
  • Better preparation for classes, assignments, and exams, enriching their overall learning experience
  • Flexibility for exploring additional resources or subjects of interest, which promotes curiosity and a love for learning
  • Time to reflect on what they’ve learned and revisit their work

Prepares Students for Their Professional Life

Learning time management skills when they’re young will prepare your child for success in their career. In a professional setting, missing deadlines can have serious consequences. People who can manage their to-do lists well know how to prioritize tasks and balance multiple responsibilities while maintaining a healthy personal life. The discipline, efficiency, and productivity that result from good time management skills can lead to positive recognition and faster career advancement. Employees who manage their time effectively are often seen as potential leaders.

Learn Effective Time Management Strategies With a Tutor's Help

Working with a tutor can help your child learn how to manage their time well and get ahead in school. At Alexander Tutoring, our experts will design a program of study tailored to your child so they can get the most out of study time and still enjoy free time and friends. The importance of time management for students can't be overstated. Contact us today to learn how we can help your child reach their full potential.


  • Sean

    COMMAND PILOT, OWNER Sean has been a professional educator for 15 years and has taught math, physics, and astronomy at all levels.  His experience ranges from working at a high school for severe learning differences to teaching advanced physics at Stanford.  After completing his graduate work in theoretical physics Sean founded Alexander Tutoring, with the mission of revealing the deep connections between math and nature to as many students as possible. 

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