Geometry Tutors

Expert Geometry tutoring for students at all levels

Private math tutors for all
geometry subject areas

Help your child see the fun in Geometry homework.

This is how teaching geometry lessons make us feel!

Your student will:

get better grades

feel more confident

complete homework on time

prep and ace Geometry exams

get personalized, online math support from a private tutor

If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. Ignacio Estrada

"Geometry is the archetype of the beauty of the world." - Johannes Kepler

Our qualified geometry tutors can help

As empathetic math teachers,

We remember how challenging math and geometry can be, and how they can make you feel. The struggle is real. Our goal is to change the narrative and convert those negatives into positives. Especially in online classrooms.

As Math & Geometry Enthusiasts,

We are here to help your child see the worldview through geometry. Students who understand geometry and spatial ability will push the boundaries of technical and scientific professions. When we know how to apply and understand the relationship between shapes and sizes we are better prepared to use them in our everyday lives.

As real-world thinkers with a passion for learning,

Whether in-person or through online tutoring, let us build your child's confidence by exploring the language of our universe.

"We rewrite the narrative by matching your student with a real mathematician or physicist that allows your student to feel comfortable, relaxed, and confident about math."
- Sean Alexander, Algebra Tutor & Founder

girl using browsing tablet for e learning

"I truly believe that any of my students are capable of achieving their goals when it comes to mathematics."
- James Magenta, Tutor

No more getting stuck on a geometry question

Each session is designed to support our tutored students on their unique learning journey to help them confidently reach their full academic potential.

We do not teach tricks or gimmicks. Our geometry tutoring programs are more about:

Ongoing practice, fun, and the exploration of why geometry matters

Mastering core concepts that build confidence and lay a foundation for viewing the world

Meeting students where they are by placing the student at the center of the learning process

Building geometry skills through a positive tutoring experience

View Our Geometry Specialties!



a cube used in geometry

Here is a quick look at some of the core concepts that our geometry tutors will be teaching.

  • Performing transformations
  • Transformation properties and proofs
  • Congruence
  • Similarity
  • Right triangles and trig
  • Non-right triangles and trig
  • Analytic geometry
  • Conic sections
  • Circles
  • Solid geometry

Shaping the future for the confident student

Everything is geometry.  From plants to skyscrapers, this world is built from shapes and patterns.  These patterns have rules called geometry.  Let us teach you the fundamental laws of the universe.

We look forward to learning more about how we can help your child transform Geometry problems into genuine confidence, fascination, and understanding!


The next step is to CONTACT US so we can:

Create a custom plan for you or your child

Explore what strategies worked in the past, and what didn't

Try a no obligation tutoring lesson to see if we are the right fit

Alexander Tutoring Tutor Felix teaching his student math

"This school year is different, however, learning is not about the place, it's about the journey. Let's make it fun!"
- Felix Rojas, Tutor


"I actually had a few conversations with Sean before I enrolled my son into their programs. Sean was very patient and understood my concern. He assigned my son with Jonathan to do a one on one Geometry session in the summer. My son usually gets bored easily and it's hard to capture his full attention. Jonathan did a fantastic job to attract his attention and able to challenge him plus boosting his confidence. My son was very happy with Jonathan. Our goal is to help him to get a solid foundation in the summer so that he can master his honor class in the fall plus the upcoming pre-cal class. The amount of homework was just right so that he spends a reasonable amount of time playing and working in summer. I strongly recommend Sean and Jonathan for Maths advancement."

- Astor L., Parent

Find geometry tutors near me

Students can learn in-person or with geometry tutors online.

Oakland, CA

Our Oakland-based math tutors are experts in their fields, some even hold a master's degree. 

Many are working scientists at the nation’s leading research universities: Stanford, Berkeley, and San Francisco State.

We select the best of the best. Our tutors are masters of their craft AND great teachers. Our mission is to give students the tools to realize their full academic potential.

Marin, CA

Alexander Tutoring has math tutoring courses in Marin for students of all ages.

You or your child can learn math at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Our method builds confidence and the ability to learn and have fun.

San Mateo, CA

Our tutors in San Mateo are real-world scientists and mathematicians. They have mastered their craft and earned high-ranking degrees and accolades.

We recognize some students are afraid to admit they are struggling. Our tutors slow down and encourage students to take it one step at a time. We believe a methodical, organized approach enhances learning and insight. This system teaches giving answers a careful once-over to avoid mistakes. The result is a better course grade and improved understanding.

San Francisco, CA

Alexander Tutoring offers tutoring services for all Geometry concepts in San Francisco

Students will always receive exceptional tutoring experiences throughout the Bay Area or with a tutor online.

Anyone in San Francisco can sign up for one-on-one in-person or online tutoring. No tutorial videos here. We are working with students using actual math tutoring with real-life humans!

South Bay & San Jose, CA

Alexander Tutoring has math tutoring courses in South Bay and San Jose for students of all ages.

Our method builds confidence and ability, so you can learn and have fun.

New York City, NY

Alexander Tutoring has math tutoring courses in Manhattan, New York for students of all ages.

We understand that students get frustrated with math. Many times we hear "I hate geometry". We’ve found this attitude stems from an event in which the student felt embarrassed.

We change the narrative by matching your student with a real physicist or mathematician in New York City. Someone with professional research experience that can explain complex skills at a basic level to younger students. When your student becomes relaxed and confident, real education begins.

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We are committed to making an impact in the lives of our students and families. 

sean alexander


Sean discovered a fascination for physics when he was just fifteen, when he proof-read a friend’s report on black holes. In one semester, he read every physics book in his school’s library. He was hooked, but his love of teaching came a bit later.

sam headshot


The past nineteen years of teaching has provided him the opportunity to learn and grow alongside students in the United States, Mexico, Ecuador & Venezuela. During that time, he taught all subjects to many different age groups but has always had a special place in his heart for math.



I believe that the motivation to practice mathematics must be discovered by the individual, and I am excited to watch my students discover what it is about mathematics that gives it purpose to them.

Rebecca Malas

Rebecca Malas

My love of science started at an early age when I used to watch Star Trek Voyager with my family. Seeing these women leaders in science inspired me to continue to pursue physics and engineering in my dreams to one day reach the stars.



As a teacher, I learned even more from these problems than I did as a student; I am excited to watch my students develop a confidence and fluency in mathematics.

Physics Tutor Jonathan Lupercio


His core teaching principle is that of intuition, focusing heavily on ensuring physics and mathematics comes naturally in the thinking of his students.

Gerald Morgan


He noticed his strong love for mathematics at the tender age of eight years old. Though difficult, he welcomed the challenge and enjoyed the sense of accomplishment that accompanied solving each equation.

Our Mathematics Tutor James Magnatta


Still teaching as his primary form of income and loving every minute of it. When he is not talking math with students he spends his free time surfing, sailing, exploring, and concocting meals to pass the time.

Master Tutor Angelique Alexander


Angelique has had two passions both of which she has been lucky enough to study and work in professionally. The first is teaching mathematics, the second is Opera.



With a B.S degree in Chemistry from The Central University of Venezuela, he started delving into physics and mathematics to take on one of the most fascinating areas of knowledge, Quantum Mechanics, and the application of its concepts in the atomic and molecular world.



Between spaceships, lightsabers, and the mystical powers of the Force (which one later finds out is a fundamental concept that drives all of physics... not the mystical part but the force part), a young boy’s imagination was stolen.

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